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How was your first night back hosting karaoke?
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Author:  Product 19 [ Sat Jul 11, 2020 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

when was it, how'd you do, how many showed up? how has it been since?

Author:  Product 19 [ Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

my first night back was the beginning of this month. i felt like i was rusty--these 3 or so months away is probably the longest time i've spent without hosting karaoke.

i had like 1-2 singers, not much karaoke at all, but folks sitting around appreciated me there.

the staff wore masks. but not as many patrons wore masks--which made me think "how y'all actually come to a venue without a mask whatsoever; wow they let you in like that?" i know folks can do what they want, i just wasn't used to seeing folks getting into someplace public without a mask anywhere on their person at all, whatsoever. like it's july 2018.

i was set up inside. but they also had outside seating. there were more patrons outside than inside. you'd think they'd put me outside...but they didn't. since it was my first night, i just rolled with everything knowing i'd be rusty as hell.

the following week, i was still set up inside but i had more singers. still there were patrons without a mask on whatsoever. karaoke singers without a mask, too. i wiped the mics as often as i could. beware, folks know when they're singing next in the rotation so they just come up and grab the mic after the last person sang without you getting a chance to wipe it down. ah well. had to wipe it afterwards...i kept a bunch of cleaning supplies around in plain sight for folks to use.

it does dawn on you: gosh i hope to God none of these folks get sick. I already had it in March so I feel kinda immune. (Didn't have a fever, didn't feel my life was in danger, but I had some of the other annoying symptoms and was in bed, for days.)

my opinion: nice to have karaoke back. but i'd agree karaoke shouldn't be everywhere yet. please wait this thing out a little longer. this is only 1 of my weekly gigs that has started back up. i'm glad the others haven't started.

Author:  Lonman [ Sat Jul 11, 2020 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

1st night (Thurs June 11) had 23 singers, next night (Fri) 31 singers, and Sat had 25.
Went back to 7 nights shortly after and have been avg 10 to 15 during week and 25 to 30 on weekends

Author:  The Lone Ranger [ Sun Jul 12, 2020 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

:?: So they haven't closed you down again Lonnie? With all of the new cases and infections they have closed down bars in California once again?

Author:  spotlightjr [ Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

Went back to work the middle of May. Outside gigs twice a week at different locations are pretty busy but its hotter than hell. I also have an every Monday gig that's inside a sports bar. Averaging about 20 singers each week there.
Masks are not mandatory here and most don't wear them at my shows. Many of my regulars have their own mics which make them more comfortable. I have 80% alcohol based sanitizer I use on the mics and stands after each singer. I also have 2 forms of protection on the mic. The first is a similar to a miniature shower cap and is made of paper-like material. The second is a wind screen. The "cap" is disposable and I throw them away after each use. The singer takes the wind screen with them and uses it throughout the night to sing.
We have 13 total shows going right now a week which include Trivia, karaoke and Bingo. Before the pandemic we had 32 shows a week. All bars and restaurants are at 50% capacity and social distancing is mandatory. I feel we will be shut down again soon. The virus is going crazy here in Florida and many are freaking out.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Sun Jul 12, 2020 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

went back in may, bars were over capacity every night.
had to stop when i caught Covid from them though.
now the bars are luckily closed down again, 23 cases from one of my bars alone.
nobody wore a mask, nobody distanced, nobody thinks it is even a real virus.
i even got laughed at in the VFW when i said it was bad when i was sick.
people are pissed and protesting again to reopen the bars.
some bars are suing the governor for even closing them in the first place.
we haven't even left the first wave and people are still being stupid about this.

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

The Lone Ranger wrote:
:?: So they haven't closed you down again Lonnie? With all of the new cases and infections they have closed down bars in California once again?
We are under tribal guidelines, unless the county actually moves back a phase, we are a go until I hear otherwise. The bar itself removed half the tables. No more than 5 per table and all spaced out proper. Staff wears masks, I am behind a plexi shield, singers must remain on stage at all times - which is also more then 12 feet from any tables. All mics get a thorough wipe down after each singer. Is it enough? I guess time will tell, but if me or any of my staff get it - or I hear of anyone that was at the show getting it, i'll shut it down myself.

Author:  Alan B [ Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

No bar should be doing karaoke at this time. This is no time for entertainment while the numbers are out of control. You can take all the precautions in the world including drinking Lysol*, but you are still at risk.

People + confined indoor spaces = Corona Virus.

*the Lysol thing was just a pun.

Author:  GK Productions [ Tue Jul 14, 2020 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

Alan B wrote:
No bar should be doing karaoke at this time. This is no time for entertainment while the numbers are out of control. You can take all the precautions in the world including drinking Lysol*, but you are still at risk.

People + confined indoor spaces = Corona Virus.

*the Lysol thing was just a pun.

I have to agree...we have had 29 new case ...in salina...not wanting to add more or put anyone at risk..so for now im not doing any shows

Author:  Alan B [ Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

GK Productions wrote:
Alan B wrote:
No bar should be doing karaoke at this time. This is no time for entertainment while the numbers are out of control. You can take all the precautions in the world including drinking Lysol*, but you are still at risk.

People + confined indoor spaces = Corona Virus.

*the Lysol thing was just a pun.

I have to agree...we have had 29 new case ...in salina...not wanting to add more or put anyone at risk..so for now im not doing any shows

Smart move.

Author:  spotlightjr [ Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

I've had not one person post anything on our website or in person that is negative about us hosting Karaoke, trivia, etc.

Many people, young and old thank us for trying to keep things as normal as possible. We are extremely safe and take every precaution we can to ensure all patrons have a good time. All songs requests are texted to me. No more than one singer at a time. The stage where I do the one inside show each week is at least 15 to 20 feet away from anyone else. Each singer stands by the stage until I'm done sanitizing the mic and putting new mic caps and/or windscreens on the mic.

I have a siren that I will sound off if anyone gets too close to the singer or me. I also announce this at the beginning of each show and I've used it once.

All of our bingo play cards and crayons are disposable. Our hosts where masks and gloves while out in the audience and so do the trivia hosts.

I will continue doing shows until either we are shut down or customers complain

Author:  Product 19 [ Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How was your first night back hosting karaoke?

big salute to all of you doing your best out here to provide safe karaoke during this pandemic

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